
ZETA Music Systems, Inc.
ZMC-200 Manual Rev2.0
The GLOBAL MODE is activated by pressing the GLOBAL button on the
front panel of your ZETA SYNTHONY II. This is confirmed by the lighted
LED just to the right of the GLOBAL button.
All of the parameters in Global mode apply to all the presets in your ZETA
SYNTHONY II, for example information regarding MIDI channels, the
instrument you are playing, basic tuning, or the sensitivity of each string
you play. Some of these parameters should be checked/changed before you
use your ZETA SYNTHONY II for the first time so that it can operate
optimally with your instrument.
Basic MIDI Channel (1…11)
The MIDI information that your ZETA SYNTHONY II generates based on
the vibrations of your strings that are sent to it have to be assigned to a
channel in order for that information to get to the sound module or the
external MIDI instrument that will then play the information. The ideal
scenario (see STRING MODE SEPARATE) is for each individual string to
be assigned its own MIDI channel. The advantage is that controller
information that is generated parallel to pitch information only effects the
sound generated by that particular string. For example pitch bend
information generated by vibrato on one string should only affect that one
string and not all the others that are presently sounding. With the parameter
BASIC CHANNEL, you need only set the FIRST of the channels for your
strings. The other channels will automatically be assigned respectively. For
example, if this value is set to ”1”, then channels 1-4 will be reserved for
the four strings. Typically this parameter is set to ”1”, reserving channels 1-
4 for string input.
Hold MIDI Channel (1…11)
In the same way that the first of four channels was set for the BASIC
CHANNEL parameter, so the first of an additional four MIDI channels is
set here for Hold effects such as SEPARATE, LAYER, ARPEGGIO. It is