ZETA Music Systems, Inc.
ZMC-200 Manual Rev2.0
ZMC-200 Rear Panel
A. Model number of your Zeta Synthony II.
B. Serial number for your Zeta Synthony II.
C. RIGHT (MONO): This is the right side line level output from the internal sound
board If this output jack alone is connected (without the left output being connected)
the resulting signal from this ouput is a composite MONO signal.
D. LEFT (STEREO): This is the left side line level output from the internal sound
board. If this output jack alone is connected (without the right output being
connected) the resulting signal from this output jack is still the left side of the stereo
signal alone.
E. MIDI IN jack: Your ZMC-200 receives program change and sysex data on this port.
If you also use the setting LOCAL OFF in GLOBAL mode, you can have all
incoming MIDI data sent directly to the internal sound board. This is the typical
setting if you are using your ZMC-200 with a sequencer.
F. MIDI THRU jack: All data that is received on the MIDI IN jack will be echoed
unchanged to this port.
G. MIDI OUT jack: All MIDI data generated by your ZMC-200 will be sent to this port.
If you are using an external MIDI instrument with your ZMC-200, be sure to connect
this port with the MIDI IN port on your external instrument.
H-I EXP1, EXP2 jacks for foot swell pedals: You can connect separate swell pedals to
these jacks to control any MIDI controller you choose.Especially valuable when
assigned to modulation and filter effects. Because your ZMC-200 supports the
NRPN/RPN controllers, you can assign controllers #6 and #38 to these pedals and
have access to a wide variety of usable functions that are not presently available in
any other machine of this category.
J. CHAIN foot pedal jack: In chain mode, you can use a pedal switch attached to this
port to cycle through a series of pre-programmed presets.
K. HOLD foot pedal jack: You can connect a foot pedal to this port to access any of the
various HOLD modes such as COMMON, SEPARATE, LAYER,
L. ADAPTER: Connect the power supply included with your ZMC-200 to this jack.
M. OUTPUT jack: The normal analog signal from your Zeta instrument is transmitted
through,the Zeta MIDI cable.