Chapter 11 Interfaces
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
1 A port's IP address varies as its role changes, make sure your computer's IP
address is in the same subnet as the ZyWALL's lan1, lan2 or dmz IP address.
2 Use the appropriate lan1, lan2 or dmz IP address to access the ZyWALL.
Figure 151 Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Role
Each section in this screen is described below.
11.3 Ethernet Summary Screen
This screen lists every Ethernet interface and virtual interface created on top of
Ethernet interfaces. To access this screen, click Configuration > Network >
Interface > Ethernet.
Table 53 Configuration > Network > Interface > Port Role
These are physical Ethernet ports.
lan1 (LAN1)
lan2 (LAN2)
dmz (DMZ)
These are Ethernet interfaces and the zone to which each belongs.
Use the radio buttons to select for which interface (network) you want
to use each physical port. For example, select a port’s LAN1 radio
button to use the port as part of the lan1 interface. The port will use
the ZyWALL’s lan1 IP address and MAC address.
When you assign more than one physical port to a network, you
create a port group. Port groups have the following characteristics:
• There is a layer-2 Ethernet switch between physical ports in the
port group. This provides wire-speed throughput but no security.
• It can increase the bandwidth between the port group and other
• The port group uses a single MAC address.
Apply Click this button to save your changes and apply them to the ZyWALL.
Reset Click this button to change the port groups to their current
configuration (last-saved values).
Physical Ports