ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
and firewall 606
and IP protocols 606
and policy routes 606
service subscription status 214
services 605, 841
and firewall 370
and port triggering 290
subscription 210
where used 105
Session Initiation Protocol, see SIP
session limits 360, 370
sessions 178
sessions usage 160, 164
severity (IDP) 485, 489
SHA1 400
shell script
troubleshooting 772
shell scripts 737
and users 597
downloading 747
editing 746
how applied 738
managing 746
not stopping or starting the ZyWALL 36
syntax 738
uploading 748
shutdown 35, 757
signal quality 185, 186
signature categories
access control 491
backdoor/Trojan 491
buffer overflow 491
DoS/DDoS 490
IM 490
P2P 490
scan 491
spam 490
virus/worm 491
Web attack 491
signature ID 489, 499, 502
signatures 483
anti-virus 474
IDP 479
packet inspection 487
SIM card 242
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, see SMTP 566
Simple Network Management Protocol, see
Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT, see STUN
SIP 336, 342
ALG 335
and firewall 337
and RTP 342
media inactivity timeout 340
signaling inactivity timeout 340
signaling port 340
troubleshooting 766
SMTP 566
smurf attack 527
SNAT 293
troubleshooting 765
SNMP 715, 716
agents 716
and address groups 719
and address objects 719
and zones 719
Get 716
GetNext 717
Manager 716
managers 716
MIB 716, 717
network components 716
Set 717
Trap 717
traps 717
versions 715
equivalent terms 511
rule header 511
rule options 511
signatures 511
Source Network Address Translation, see SNAT
spam 490, 565
specifications 775
device 775
feature 776
hardware 775
spillover (for load balancing) 274
spyware 545
SQL slammer 511
SSH 706
and address groups 710
and address objects 710