Chapter 32 Content Filtering
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
This category includes pages which distribute spyware and other
malware. Spyware and malware are defined as software which
takes control of your computer, modifies computer settings,
collects or reports personal information, or misrepresents itself
by tricking users to install, download, or enter personal
information. This includes drive-by downloads; browser
hijackers; dialers; intrusive advertising; any program which
modifies your homepage, bookmarks, or security settings; and
keyloggers. It also includes any software which bundles
spyware (as defined above) as part of its offering. Information
collected or reported is "personal" if it contains uniquely
identifying data, such as e-mail addresses, name, social security
number, IP address, etc. A site is not classified as spyware if the
user is reasonably notified that the software will perform these
actions (that is, it alerts that it will send personal information,
be installed, or that it will log keystrokes). Note: Sites rated as
spyware should have a second category assigned with them.
Spyware Effects/
Privacy Concerns
This category includes pages to which spyware (as defined in
the Spyware/Malware Sources category) reports its findings or
from which it alone downloads advertisements. Also includes
sites that contain serious privacy issues, such as “phone home”
sites to which software can connect and send user info; sites
that make extensive use of tracking cookies without a posted
privacy statement; and sites to which browser hijackers redirect
users. Usually does not include sites that can be marked as
Spyware/Malware. Note: Sites rated as spyware effects typically
have a second category assigned with them.
Managed Categories These are categories of web pages based on their content.
Select categories in this section to control access to specific
types of Internet content.
You must have the standard content filtering license to filter
these categories.
Adult/Mature Content This category includes pages that contain material of adult
nature that does not necessarily contain excessive violence,
sexual content, or nudity. These pages include very profane or
vulgar content and pages that are not appropriate for children.
Pornography This category includes pages that contain sexually explicit
material for the purpose of arousing a sexual or prurient
Sex Education This category includes pages that provide graphic information
(sometimes graphic) on reproduction, sexual development, safe
sex practices, sexuality, birth control, and sexual development.
It also includes pages that offer tips for better sex as well as
products used for sexual enhancement.
Intimate Apparel/
This category includes pages that contain images or offer the
sale of swimsuits or intimate apparel or other types of
suggestive clothing. It does not include pages selling
undergarments as a subsection of other products offered.
Table 162 Configuration > Anti-X > Content Filter > Filter Profile > Add (continued)