Chapter 39 AAA Server
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
• See Section 7.6 on page 131 for an example of how to use a RADIUS server to
authenticate user accounts based on groups.
39.2 Active Directory or LDAP Server Summary
Use the Active Directory or LDAP screen to manage the list of AD or LDAP
servers the ZyWALL can use in authenticating users.
Click Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) to
display the Active Directory (or LDAP) screen.
Figure 357 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP)
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
39.2.1 Adding an Active Directory or LDAP Server
Click Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP) to display the Active
Directory (or LDAP) screen. Click the Add icon or an Edit icon to display the
Table 190 Configuration > Object > AAA Server > Active Directory (or LDAP)
Add Click this to create a new entry.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where
you can modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove an entry, select it and click Remove. The ZyWALL confirms
you want to remove it before doing so.
Select an entry and click Object References to open a screen that
shows which settings use the entry. See Section 11.3.2 on page 230 for
an example.
# This field displays the index number.
This is the address of the AD or LDAP server.
Base DN This specifies a directory. For example, o=ZyXEL, c=US.