ES-3124 User’s Guide
332 Index
port 45
Management Information Base (MIB) 200
management interface, See also CLI
management port 101
and SNMP 200
supported MIBs 201
MIB (Management Information Base) 200
mini GBIC ports 47
connection speed 47
connector types 47
transceiver installation 47
transceiver removal 48
mirroring ports 127
and accounts 236
in command interpreter 236
mounting brackets 42
MSA (MultiSource Agreement) 47
MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) 75
multicast 169
multicast group 173
multicast settings 172
multicast VLAN 179
802.1 priority 172
addresses 169
setup 170
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol 109
Multiple STP 109
MVR 175
configuration 176
configuration example 180
group configuration 179
how it works 176
modes 175
network example 175
ports 175
MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) 175
network management system (NMS) 200
NTP (RFC-1305) 75
password 56
changing 56
ping, test connection 213
port authentication 137
IEEE802.1x 140
RADIUS server 139
port based VLAN type 76
port cloning 231, 232
advanced settings 231, 232
basic settings 231, 232
port details 67
port isolation 94, 101
Port Mirroring 261
port mirroring 32, 127
and commands 291
port redundancy 131
port security 33
limit MAC address learning 145
port setup 81
port status 65
Port VID
Default for all ports 260
port VLAN trunking 87
port-based VLAN 98
all connected 101
port isolation 101
settings wizard 101
“standby” 131
and MVR 175
diagnostics 213
mirroring 127
speed/duplex 83
priority level 77
priority, queue assignment 77
product registration 6
Product specification 317
protocol based VLAN 95
and IEEE 802.1Q tagging 95
example 97
hexadecimal notation for protocols 96
isolate traffic 95
priority 96
PVID 85, 94
PVID (Priority Frame) 85
queue weight 160
queuing 32, 159
SPQ 160