Appendix E Open Software Announcements
NWA1300-NJ User’s Guide
ZyXEL Communications Corp. ("ZyXEL") grants you a non-exclusive, non-
sublicense, non-transferable license to use the program with which this license is
distributed (the "Software"), including any documentation files accompanying the
Software ("Documentation"), for internal business use only, for up to the number
of users specified in sales order and invoice. You have the right to make one
backup copy of the Software and Documentation solely for archival, back-up or
disaster recovery purposes. You shall not exceed the scope of the license granted
hereunder. Any rights not expressly granted by ZyXEL to you are reserved by
ZyXEL, and all implied licenses are disclaimed.
2 Ownership
You have no ownership rights in the Software. Rather, you have a license to use
the Software as long as this License Agreement remains in full force and effect.
Ownership of the Software, Documentation and all intellectual property rights
therein shall remain at all times with ZyXEL. Any other use of the Software by any
other entity is strictly forbidden and is a violation of this License Agreement.
3 Copyright
The Software and Documentation contain material that is protected by
international copyright law, trade secret law, international treaty provisions, and
the applicable national laws of each respective country. All rights not granted to
you herein are expressly reserved by ZyXEL. You may not remove any proprietary
notice of ZyXEL or any of its licensors from any copy of the Software or
4 Restrictions
You may not publish, display, disclose, sell, rent, lease, modify, store, loan,
distribute, or create derivative works of the Software, or any part thereof. You
may not assign, sublicense, convey or otherwise transfer, pledge as security or
otherwise encumber the rights and licenses granted hereunder with respect to the
Software. ZyXEL is not obligated to provide any maintenance, technical or other
support for the resultant modified Software. You may not copy, reverse engineer,
decompile, reverse compile, translate, adapt, or disassemble the Software, or any
part thereof, nor shall you attempt to create the source code from the object code
for the Software. Except as and only to the extent expressly permitted in this
License, you may not market, co-brand, and private label or otherwise permit
third parties to link to the Software, or any part thereof. You may not use the
Software, or any part thereof, in the operation of a service bureau or for the
benefit of any other person or entity. You may not cause, assist or permit any
third party to do any of the foregoing. Portions of the Software utilize or include
third party software and other copyright material. Acknowledgements, licensing
terms and disclaimers for such material are contained in the License Notice as
below for the third party software, and your use of such material is exclusively
governed by their respective terms. ZyXEL has provided, as part of the Software