ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
RTS (Request To Send) 1022
threshold 1021, 1023
safety warnings 8
same IP 613
scan attacks 601
scanner types 587
SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol)
troubleshooting 909
schedules 743
and content filtering 643, 644
and current date/time 743
and firewall 447, 462, 564, 567, 570
and policy routes 380, 561, 564, 567, 570
one-time 743
recurring 743
types of 743
where used 110
screen resolution 47
SecuExtender 539
Secure Hash Algorithm, see SHA1
Secure Socket Layer, see SSL
security associations, see IPSec
security settings
troubleshooting 897
self-directory-traversal attack 640
self-referential directories 640
sensitivity level 630
serial number 224
service control 158, 823
and to-ZyWALL firewall 823
and users 824
dial-in management
dial-in management 853
limitations 824
timeouts 824
service groups 738
and firewall 462
and port triggering 382
in IDP 601
where used 110
service objects 737
service set 325
Service Set IDentity, See SSID. 320, 322
service subscription status 282
service trials 280
services 737, 738, 983
and device HA 694
and firewall 462, 738
and IDP 738
and policy routes 738
and port triggering 382
subscription 278
where used 110
Session Initiation Protocol, see SIP
session limits 452, 462
session monitor 246
session monitor (L2TP VPN) 262
sessions 246
sessions usage 224, 230
severity (IDP) 595, 599
SHA1 497
shell script
troubleshooting 911
shell scripts 873
and users 729
downloading 883
editing 882
how applied 874
managing 882
not stopping or starting the ZyWALL 37
syntax 874
uploading 884
shutdown 36, 37, 112, 893
signal quality 254
signature categories
access control 601
backdoor/Trojan 601
buffer overflow 601
DoS/DDoS 600
IM 600
P2P 600
scan 601
spam 600
virus/worm 601
Web attack 601
signature ID 599, 609, 612
signatures 593