Appendix A Log Descriptions
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
Table 295 Port Grouping Logs
Interface %s links up
because of changing
Port Group. Enable
DHCP client.
An administrator used port-grouping to assign a port to a
representative Interface and this representative interface is
set to DHCP client and only has one member. In this case the
DHCP client will be enabled. %s: interface name.
Interface %s links
down because of
changing Port Group.
Disable DHCP client.
An administrator used port-grouping to assign a port to a
representative interface and this representative interface is
set to DHCP client and has no members in its group. In this
case the DHCP client will be disabled. %s: interface name.
Port Group on %s is
changed. Renew DHCP
An administrator used port-grouping to assign a port to a
representative interface and this representative interface is
set to DHCP client and has more than one member in its
group. In this case the DHCP client will renew. %s: interface
Port Grouping %s has
been changed.
An administrator configured port-grouping, %s: interface
Table 296 Force Authentication Logs
Force User
Authentication will be
enabled due to http
server is enabled.
Force user authentication will be turned on because HTTP
server was turned on.
Force User
Authentication will be
disabled due to http
server is disabled.
Force user authentication will be turned off because HTTP
server was turned off.
Force User
Authentication may not
work properly!
Table 297 File Manager Logs
ERROR:#%s, %s Apply configuration failed, this log will be what CLI command
is and what error message is.
1st %s is CLI command.
2nd %s is error message when apply CLI command.
WARNING:#%s, %s Apply configuration failed, this log will be what CLI command
is and what warning message is.
1st %s is CLI command.
2nd %s is warning message when apply CLI command.