ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
weighted round robin (for load balancing) 366
white list (anti-spam) 675, 681, 683, 685
Wi-Fi Protected Access 1028
Windows Internet Naming Service, see WINS
Windows Internet Naming Service, see WINS.
Windows Internet Naming Service. See WINS.
Windows Remote Desktop 792
WinPopup window 989
WINS 301, 327, 342, 352, 361, 514
in L2TP VPN 546
WINS server 301, 327, 546
clients 251
MAC filter 333
wireless client 320
wireless client WPA supplicants 1030
wireless network
channel 320
example 320
overview 320
security 320
SSID 320
wireless security 320, 1024
Wireshark 617
installation setup 63
quick setup 73
WLAN 123, 320
interference 1021
security parameters 1032
see also wireless.
troubleshooting 899
user accounts 123
wireless client setup 127
WLAN station monitor 251
worm 574, 601
attacks 601
WPA 1028
key caching 1030
pre-authentication 1030
user authentication 1029
vs WPA-PSK 1029
wireless client supplicant 1030
with RADIUS application example 1030
WPA2 1028
user authentication 1029
vs WPA2-PSK 1029
wireless client supplicant 1030
with RADIUS application example 1030
WPA2-Pre-Shared Key (WPA2-PSK) 1028
WPA2-PSK 1028, 1029
application example 1031
WPA-PSK 1028, 1029
application example 1031
WWW 825
and address groups 829
and address objects 829
and authentication method objects 828
and certificates 827
and zones 829
see also HTTP, HTTPS 159, 825
zipped files
troubleshooting 900
zones 92, 403
and firewall 450, 460
and FTP 849
and interfaces 92, 403
and SNMP 853
and SSH 844
and Telnet 847
and VPN 92, 403
and WWW 829
block intra-zone traffic 406, 458
configuration overview 103
default 94
extra-zone traffic 404
inter-zone traffic 404
intra-zone traffic 404
prerequisites 103
types of traffic 404
where used 103
ZyWALL terminology differences 95