
Chapter 34 IDP
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
34.8.1 Creating or Editing a Custom Signature
Click the Add icon to create a new signature or click the Edit icon to edit an
existing signature in the screen as shown in Figure 436 on page 609.
A packet must match all items you configure in this screen before it matches the
signature. The more specific your signature (including packet contents), then the
fewer false positives the signature will trigger.
Signature Rule
Use this part of the screen to import custom signatures (previously saved
to your computer) to the ZyWALL.
Note: The name of the complete custom signature file on the
ZyWALL is ‘custom.rules’. If you import a file named
‘custom.rules’, then all custom signatures on the ZyWALL are
overwritten with the new file. If this is not your intention, make
sure that the files you import are not named ‘custom.rules’.
File Path Type the file path and name of the custom signature file you want to
import in the text box (or click Browse to find it on your computer) and
then click Import to transfer the file to the ZyWALL.
New signatures then display in the ZyWALL IDP > Custom Signatures
Table 166 Configuration > Anti-X > IDP > Custom Signatures (continued)