Chapter 36 Content Filtering
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
Government/Legal This category includes pages sponsored by or which provide
information on government, government agencies and
government services such as taxation and emergency services.
It also includes pages that discuss or explain laws of various
governmental entities.
Military This category includes pages that promote or provide
information on military branches or armed services.
Political/Activist Groups This category includes pages sponsored by or which provide
information on political parties, special interest groups, or any
organization that promotes change or reform in public policy,
public opinion, social practice, or economic activities.
Health This category includes pages that provide advice and
information on general health such as fitness and well-being,
personal health or medical services, drugs, alternative and
complimentary therapies, medical information about ailments,
dentistry, optometry, general psychiatry, self-help, and support
organizations dedicated to a disease or condition.
Computers/Internet This category includes pages that sponsor or provide
information on computers, technology, the Internet and
technology-related organizations and companies.
Search Engines/Portals This category includes pages that support searching the
Internet, indices, and directories.
Job Search/Careers This category includes pages that provide assistance in finding
employment, and tools for locating prospective employers.
News/Media This category includes pages that primarily report information
or comments on current events or contemporary issues of the
day. It also includes radio stations and magazines. It does not
include pages that can be rated in other categories.
Personals/Dating This category includes pages that promote interpersonal
Reference This category includes pages containing personal, professional,
or educational reference, including online dictionaries, maps,
census, almanacs, library catalogues, genealogy-related pages
and scientific information.
Open Image/Media
This category includes pages with image or video search
capabilities which return graphical results (i.e. thumbnail
pictures) that include potentially pornographic content along
with non-pornographic content (as defined in the Pornography
category). Sites that explicitly exclude offensive content are not
included in this category.
Chat/Instant Messaging This category includes pages that provide chat or instant
messaging capabilities or client downloads.
Email This category includes pages offering web-based email services,
such as online email reading, e-cards, and mailing list services.
Blogs/Newsgroups This category includes pages that offer access to Usenet news
groups or other messaging or bulletin board systems. Also, blog
specific sites or an individual with his own blog. This does not
include social networking communities with blogs.
Table 178 Configuration > Anti-X > Content Filter > Filter Profile > Add (continued)