G-4 Glossary
■ I
IEEE 1284
IEEE 1284 is the new specification standard for computer-to-peripheral bi-directional
parallel interface communications. The new standard was adopted by IEEE, Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., in 1993. Some of the benefits it provides are:
bi-directional communication between PCs and peripheral devices, a higher speed data
transfer rate, and protection against data loss due to noise interference.
The connection between two devices that makes it possible for them to communicate
with each other. Your unit has a parallel interface port and a USB interface port.
International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunications sector. A committee
created to set international standards for telecommunications.
ITU-T No. 1 Chart
A test chart, defined by ITU-T, used to measure the transmission speed as well as the
transmitting and receiving memory capacity of a fax machine.
■ J
The telephone receptacles on your wall and unit used to connect the telephone line,
the optional handset or a telephone, and an additional telephone, answering machine,
or data modem.
■ M
Manual receiving
A method of receiving faxes in which you manually activate reception from the unit, or
from the optional handset or telephone connected to the unit.
Manual redialing
When you use regular dialing, you can redial a number “manually” by simply pressing
Redial. The last number dialed with the numeric buttons is the number redialed.
Memory sending
Scans a document into memory before the unit dials the number(s) and sends it. This
method allows you to retrieve your document immediately after scanning.
A device that converts (MOdulates) digital data for transmission over telephone lines. At
the receiving end, this device converts the modulated data (DEModulates) to digital
format that the PC understands.