MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
0027 Rx.Bender 1 0H - 1H 1H
Receive Bender
Turns pitch bend change on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit8 : Rx.Bender
0028 Rx.Caf 1 0H - 1H 1H
Receive Channel After Touch
Turns channel after touch receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit9 : Rx.Channel After
0029 Rx.Program 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns program change receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit10 : Rx.Program Change
0030 Rx.Control 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns control change receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit11 : Rx.Control Change
0031 Rx.Paf 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns polyphonic after touch receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit12 : Rx.Poly After
0032 Rx.NoteMsg 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns note message receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit13 : Rx.Note message
0033 Rx.Rpn 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns RPN receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit14 : Rx.RPN
0034 Rx.Nrpn 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns NRPN receive on and off.
0:OFF turns on the GM system receive, while 1:ON enables GS reset receive.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit15 : Rx.NRPN
0035 Rx.Modulation 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns modulation depth receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit16 : Rx.Modulation
0036 Rx.Volume 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns volume receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit17 : Rx.Volume
0037 Rx.Panpot 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns pan receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit18 : Rx.Panpot
0038 Rx.Expression 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns expression receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit19 : Rx.Expression
0039 Rx.Damper 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns damper (Hold 1) receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit20 : Rx.Damper
0040 Rx.Portament 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns portamento receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit21 : Rx.Portament
0041 Rx.Sost 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns sostenuto receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit22 : Rx.Sost
0042 Rx.Soft 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns soft pedal receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit 23 : Rx.Soft
0043 Rx.BankSelect 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns bank select receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit 24 : Rx.Bank Select (MSB)
0044 Rx.BankLsb 1 0H - 1H 1H
Turns bank select LSB receive on and off.
0H : OFF
1H : ON
AllBit: bit 25 : Rx.Bank LSB Modulation Effects
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ParaID Parameter Bit Default Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0047 ModPitch 8 28H - 58H 40H
Modulation-induced pitch change
28H : -24 (semitones)
40H : 0 (semitones)
58H : +24 (semitones)
0048 ModTvfCutoff 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Modulation-induced TvfCutoff change
00H : -9600(cents)
40H : 0(cents)
7FH : +9600 (cents)
0049 ModAmp 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Modulation-induced amp change
00H : -100.0 (%)
40H : 0.0(%)
7FH : +100.0 (%)
0050 ModLfo1Rate 8 00H - 7FH 40H
Modulation-induced Lfo1 frequency change
00H : -10.0 (Hz)
40H : 0.0(Hz)
7FH : +10.0(Hz)