MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
✩ Control Parameter
The following parameters specify data related to parameters controlled by CC.
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0007 Segment 2 0 - 3 Section (Segment) Number
Fx Segment Number assigned to the Fx parameter
linked to this parameter
0008 ParamId 16 0000H - FFFFH ParameterID
Parameter ID (see "4.8 Effects") of the Fx linked to
this parameter.
0009 BitSize 7 00H - 7FH BitSize
Bit size of this parameter
000A Val 7 00H - 7FH Current value of this parameter
000B Min 7 00H - 7FH Minimum value of parameter sent to Fx
000C Max 7 00H - 7FH Maximum value of parameter sent to Fx
The above three parameters determine the actual value
of the parameter sent to the Fx. Change is performed
in a linear manner to one of 127 levels between the
Min and Max values, in accordance with the current
The value actually sent is the value of V, as calculated
by the following.
V = Min + (Max - Min) * Val/127
When Max = 1 and Min = 0:
If Val < 64, V = 0
If Val >= 64, V = 1
The current valu alters the Fx parameter vlue assigned
when the Fx macro is initially imported, so the tone
can be changed by specifying the same Fx Num.
The Val value is the actual received control change
value, which is changed within the range of 0 to 127.
0 is the Min setting and 127 is the Max setting. Values
between these extremes are obtained by linear inter-
polation, and those values are provided as effector
parameter values.
Even when parameters are sent immediately following the Fx selection operation, the values may
not be reflected immediately because it takes some time to perform Fx switching.
All of this means that when sending a Val parameter, an interval of at least 100 msec must be
allowed after sending the Num segment Fx selection parameter connected with the Val parameter.
000D DefaultVal 7 00H - 7FH Default value
This value can be set only. It is not used
internally by the MZ-2000
d1[1] is the parameter number, which is the serial number within the parameter Fx macro. Two
parameters can be programmed per Fx Macro, so the range is 0 or 1.
6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan
4.11.4 Effect Macro Parameter Set Bulk Dump
The Effect Macro Parameter Set can be sent and received using bulk dump. There are two proto-
cols, One-Way and Handshake, which are the same as those described under "4.1 MZ-2000 Sound
Source Common System Exclusive Format."
The following shows the section that applies to effects only.
tt 0100aaaa aaaa = BDS..."SYSEX_ACT_BDS" = 02H
d0[0] 0ooocccc cccc = Parameter Set Category = Sub = 05H
ooo = 00H
d0[1] 0ttttttt 0TTTTTTT0ttttttt = Type ID = 000CH Fixed
d0[2] 0TTTTTTT
d0[3] 0mmmmmmm
0MMMMMMM0mmmmmmm = Mdev ID = Internal RAM = 2F00H Fixed
d0[4] 0MMMMMMM
d0[5] 0sssssss 00SSSSSSSsssssss = Section Number = 0000H Fixed
d0[6] 0SSSSSSS
d0[7] 0nnnnnnn 00NNNNNNNnnnnnnn = PS Number = Fx Macro Part
d0[8] 0NNNNNNN
0000H...DSP1 Fx Macro Part
0001H...DSP2 Fx Macro Part
0002H...DSP3 Fx Macro Part
0003H...DSP4 Fx Macro Part
The volume of data that follows the above is very large, so it is not included here. This data can
be looked up by sending HDR and BDR.
4.11.5 Control Using the Val Control Change Message
The Val parameter itself can be changed using a control change message. This makes it possible to
perform chained control of the prescribed parameters of the effect linked to this parameter.
The MIDI channel of this message is compared with the MIDI Global channel, and the operation
is performed when the channels matched.
The effect macro parameter can be controlled using the prescribed control change numbers listed
cc Parameter
76=4CH DSP1 Parameter1
77=4DH DSP1 Parameter2
78=4EH DSP2 Parameter1
79=4FH DSP2 Parameter2
80=50H DSP3 Parameter1
81=51H DSP3 Parameter2
82=52H DSP4 Parameter1
83=53H DSP4 Parameter2