
MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
4.7.4 Sample Message Enabling On Click
Header Block (Hexadecimal)
No. Data
00 F0 [System Exclusive Status]
01 44 [Manufacturer's ID] 44H = CASIO ID
02 7E [Model ID MSB] MZ-2000 Sound System Model-ID MSB
03 02 [Model ID LSB] MZ-2000 Sound System Model-ID LSB
04 00 [Message Version]
05 10 SysEx Device Id
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Data Block
No. Data
06 40 Message Type
07 20 Message Id
08 02 CAT_TG
09 02 Type Id LSB : **02H
10 00 Type Id MSB : 00**H
11 00 MdevId LSB : **00H
12 2F MdevId MSB : 2F**H
13 01 Section Number LSB : **01H Temporary Area
14 00 Section Number MSB : 00**H Temporary Area
15 00 Parameter Set Number LSB : **00H Drawbar Preset 0
16 00 Parameter Set Number MSB : 00**H Drawbar Preset 0
17 0E Parameter ID LSB
18 00 Parameter ID :
19 08 Parameter ID MSB & Block Number & Array Flag
20 00 Main Block
21 00 Common Block or Drawbar Setting Block
22 00 Wave Select Block
23 00 Number of Data Bit - 1 : 1bit - 1
24 01 Data ( Set OnClick )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. Data
25 F7 [EOX]
4.8 Effects
4.8.1 Organization of Effects
There are approximately 30 types of effects, with one or more effect presets, indicated by Num,
for each.
The mixer has the effect parts shown below. On the MZ-2000, effect insertion is called "DSP."
->--+-----------------+----------------------+-[Master]-[Sys Noise Gate]--->-
+-+-[Sys Chorus ]--+
+--[Sys Reverb ]-+-+
Each of the four DSPs also contains four parallel effector frames. This means that there is a total
of 20 effector frames.
4.8.2 Effect Select Operation
To use a desired effect, you must first load its preset effect data.
Preset effects are selected by the patch parameter operation that specifies the sound source system
The following describes the actual operation.
* The patch parameter effect select block MdevID, TypeID, and Num operations are used to call
the desired effect from among the presets.
* The patch parameter effect macro select block Num operation is used to call the effect macro
(DSP) from among the presets.
* The effect macro parameter effect type and effect num operations are used to call the desired
effect from among the presets. 4.8.2 is performed at the same time.
More concretely, effect preset data is allocated to all of the 20 effect frames. Though there are a
number of effect preset data for each effect type, the actual number depends on the selected Type.
Refer to the MZ-2000 Effect Preset List when making selections.
The effect select and recall operation is performed using a patch parameter change, so this section
does not include information about messages. See the explanation about patch parameter effect
selection for information about effect selection.
4.8.3 Effect Load Precautions Parts
Effect parts can be classified according to the five groups shown below. Only the effects of the
types listed below each part are valid for each part.
1. Thru
2. Stereo Thru
3. Noise Gate
4. Compressor/Limiter
5. Stereo Compressor/Limiter
6. Slow Attack
7. 3 Band EQ
8. Stereo 3 Band EQ
9. Enhancer
10. Stereo Enhancer
11. Wah
12. Auto Wah
13. Distortion
14. Gt.Amp Simmurator
15. Rotary Speaker
16. Phaser
17. Stereo Phaser
18. Chorus
19. Stereo Chorus
20. Flanger
21. Delay
22. Stereo Delay
23. Stereo Tap Delay
24. Gate Reverb
25. Ring Modulator
26. Tremolo
27. Auto Pan
28. Lo-Fi
29. Stereo Lo-Fi
* System Chorus
1. System Chorus
* System Reverb
1. System Reverb
* Master
1. Stereo Thru
2. Stereo Comp/Lim
3. Stereo 3Band EQ
4. Stereo Enhancer
5. Surround
6. Stereo Lo-Fi