MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
Preset List
No Preset Name
00 Light Crunch
01 Mid Crunch
02 Blues Crunch
03 Mid OverDrive
04 Hard OverDrive
05 Distortion
06 Hard Distortion
07 Metal
08 Fuzz
09 Light OverDrive
10 Light Dist
11 Mid Dist
12 Light Metal
13 Mid Metal
14 Light Fuzz
15 Mid Fuzz Guitar Amp Simulator
TypeID FXID_GAS = 0700H
Available Part DSP
I/O 1/1
Parameter List
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 AmpType 4 0 - 7 0...MiniP
0003 Color 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0004 Efx Level 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0005 Dir Level 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
This effector simulates the characteristics of a guitar amplifier cabinet and speaker. It is especially
effective following distortion to cut out harsher components.
1. Bypass
Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is.
2. Type
Type of guitar amp to be simulated.
o MiniPg
Simulates a mini amp.
o SmalFc
Simulates a small amp.
o CombBg
Simulates a combo amp with a distinctive mid range. This option is best used with long-
sustained tones that are prone to distortion.
o CombSl
Simulates a combo amp with a distinctive high range whose mid range components are
very narrow. This option is best used with reed tones that are prone to distortion.
o CombFd
Simulates a combination amp with confined characteristics. This option is best used with
breath sounds that have little distortion.
o CombJc
Simulates a solid-state amp, which has relatively brighter characteristics than the combo
amps. This option can be used with everything from country sounds to straight hard rock
o StckMs
Simulates a large stack amp, which has rich low range characteristics and trebly high
range characterstics, resulting in orthodox rock and metal sounds.
o SRAmp
Simulates the characteristics of a non-guitar amp SR (Sound Reinforcement) device, for
an unmodified sound as if the device were connected directly to the console of the musi-
cal instrument.
3. Color
This parameter alters the characteristics of the tone quality. It actually controls the frequency
characteristics of the distinguishing feature of the guitar amp being simulated. The larger the
value, the more the band being enhanced is shifted to the high range. The breadth of the
parameter operation and the band depends on the selected Type. Certain input waveform
frequency components can make modifications made with this parameter difficult to recog-
4. Efx Level
Output level of the signal simulated by the guitar amp simulator.
5. Dir Level
Input direct signal output. The setting of this parameter is normally 0, but the direct signal and
effect signal can be mixed in order to obtain an amp simulator that has less effect on the
Preset List
No Preset Name
00 MiniPig
01 Small Box
02 Small Fc
03 Combo Bg
04 Combo Bg Mild
05 Combo Bg Blight
06 Combo Sld
07 Combo Fd
08 Combo Jc
09 Stack Ms
10 SR Amp Rotary Speaker
TypeID FXID_ROT = 0740H
Available Part DSP
I/O 1/2
Parameter List
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 RateSelect 0 - 1 0...Slow
0003 Break 1 0 - 1 0...Rot
0004 HiSlowRate 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0005 HiFastRate 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0006 HiRiseAcel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0007 HiFallAcel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0008 LoSlowRate 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0009 LoFastRate 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
000A LoRiseAcel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
000B LoFallAcel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127