MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
2.1 Note messages
2.1.1 Note Off Receive
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
8nH kkH vvH
9nH kkH 00H
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk : Note Number = 00H to 7FH
vv : Note Off Velocity = 00H to 7FH
The Note Off Velocity value is ignored.
For drum parts, Note Off is not received by each instrument when Rx.Note
Off = ON. Send
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
8nH kkH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk : Note Number = 18H to 6CH
vv : Note Off Velocity = 40H
Normally, the range of the Note Number is 24H to 60H. Changing the Pattern Sequencer's Octave
Shift value (-1 to 1) causes the value of kk to change within the range shown below.
Octave Note Number Range (kk)
-1 18H to 54H
0 24H to 60H
+1 30H to 6CH
2.1.2 Note On Receive
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
9nH kkH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk : Note Number = 00H to 7FH
vv : Note On Velocity = 00H to 7FH
Note On is not received when Rx.Note message is turned off.
For drum parts, Note On is when Rx.Note On = OFF for each instrument. Send
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
9nH kkH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk : Note Number = 18H to 6CH
vv : Note On Velocity = 01 to 7FH
Normally, the range of the Note Number is 24H to 60H.
Changing the Pattern Sequencer's Octave Shift value (-1 to 1) causes the value of kk to change
within the range shown below.
Octave Note Number Range (kk)
-1 18H to 54H
0 24H to 60H
+1 30H to 6CH
2.2 Polyphonic Key Pressure
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
AnH kkH vvH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
kk : Note Number = 00H to 7FH
vv : Pressure Value = 00H to 7FH
Polyphonic Key Pressure is not received when Rx.Poly Pressure = OFF.
Polyphonic Key Pressure cannot be sent.
2.3 Control Change
When Rx.Control Change = OFF, all Control change messages for that part are not received.
2.3.1 Bank Select
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 00H mmH (Bank SelectMSB)
BnH 20H llH (Bank SelectLSB)
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
mm : Bank NumberMSB = 00H to 7FH
ll : Bank NumberLSB = 00H to 7FH
The ll value is used for tone map switching, but since 00H is the only value currently stored in the
tone map, any setting other than 00H is ignored.
Program change messages received with a bank number value other than 00H are ignored.
Bank Select is not received when Rx.Bank Select = Off.
The Bank Number LSB is always treated as 00H when Rx.Bank Select LSB = Off.
The Bank Select message is sent whenever the tone selection is changed.
2.3.2 Modulation Wheel
Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
BnH 01H mmH
n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)
vv : Modulation Depth = 00H to 7FH