MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation
Preset List
No Preset Name
00 Tremolo 1
01 Tremolo 2
02 Vibes 1
03 Vibes 2
04 Up1
05 Down1
06 Slice1
07 Slice2
08 Vibes 3 Auto Pan
Available Part DSP
I/O 1/2
Parameter List
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 Depth 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0003 Rate 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0004 Waveform 3 0 - 4 0...Sin
This effector produces panning movement of the input signal using an LFO.
1. Bypass
Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is.
2. Depth
LFO effect depth
3. Rate
LFO rate
4. Waveform
LFO waveform
o Sin......Sine wave
o SawUp....Sawtooth wave (rising)
o SawDw....Sawtooth wave (falling)
o Squ......Square wave
Preset List
No Preset Name
00 Slow Round
01 Mid Round
02 Fast Round
03 Slow Shuttle
04 Mid Shuttle
05 Fast Shuttle
06 Fast
07 Very Fast
08 Slow One Way L>R
09 Slow One Way L<R
10 Mid One Way L>R
11 Mid One Way L<R
12 Fast One Way L>R
13 Fast One Way L<R
14 Mid Alternate
15 Fast Alternate Lo-Fi
Available Part DSP
I/O 1/1
Parameter List
ParaID Parameter Bit*Len Value-Range Value-Meaning
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000 Fx Name 7*16 20H - 7EH -
0001 Bypass 1 0 - 1 0...Bypass
0002 LoFiType 4 0 - 8 0 - 8
0003 LoFiMix 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0004 HumFreq 1 0 - 1 0...50HZ
0005 HumLevel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0006 PeriodSpd 2 0 - 2 0...33rpm
0007 PeriodLvl 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0008 ScratchDen 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
0009 ScratchLvl 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
000A NoiseMode 1 0 - 1 0...White
000B NoiseLevel 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
000C Lo Freq 7 8 - 40 50 - 2.0K(Hz) *Note1
000D Lo Gain 7 52 - 64 - 76 -12dB - 0dB - +12dB
000E Hi Freq 7 28 - 58 500 - 16.0K(Hz) *Note1
000F Hi Gain 7 52 - 64 - 76 -12dB - 0dB - +12dB
0010 Dir Level 7 0 - 127 0 - 127
This effector produces an antificial Lo-Fi sound. It includes the following functions, which can be
enabled simultaneously.
* Reduction of input signal fidelity
* Simulation of power supply hum noise simulation
* Generation of white noise and pink noise generation
* Generation of nonregular noise, like a damaged phonograph record
* Generation of cylical noise, like a damaged phonograph record
* Equalizer
1. Bypass
Effector function enable/disable. Selecting bypass causes the input signal to be output as-is.
2. LoFiType
Level of fidelity reduction in input signal. A greater value causes a greater reduction in fidel-
ity and deterioration of the tone.
3. LoFiMix
Mix level of signal whose fidelity is reduced
4. HumFreq
Hum noise frequency
5. HumLevel
Hum noise level
6. PeriodSpd
Cycle of cyclical phonograph record noise
7. PeriodLvl
Level of cylical phonograph record noise
8. ScratchDen
Generation density of nonregular phonograph record noise
9. ScratchLvl
Level of nonregular phonograph record noise
10. NoiseMode
Noise mode: white noise or pink noise
11. NoiseLevel
White noise or pink noise level
12. Lo Freq
Low range filter frequency