4-23. Additional PLU character
This function replaces PLU descriptor or adds other descriptor for customer/ employee
PLU file
This file is used for registering item.
Additional PLU character file
This file stores additional PLU character. This file contains,
random PLU code or PLU record number,
character to replace or add-on (maximum 10 kinds of add-on),
replace/ add-on selection program, additional character target device.
In case of replacing PLU character:
PLU file character: “Beef Steak”
Additional PLU character: “Bifteck du boeuf”
“Bifteck du boeuf” is printed.
In case of adding on PLU character:
PLU file character: “Beef Steak”
Additional PLU character 1: “Bifteck du boeuf”, character 2: “Rindfleischsteak”
Beef Steak
Bifteck du boeuf
are printed.