Application System
Description Program location
Items on the fixed totalizer report PGM3; Report Control1 in General Feature
Items zero skip PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
Average spend/item on monthly report PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
PLU order (memory / random code) PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
Print / Non print PLU No. on PLU report PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
Print / Non print Sales ratio PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
Print / Non print Z counter PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
Print / Non print Item discount totalizer PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
Print GT PGM3; Report Control2 in General Feature
2-1-7-3. Slip print control
Connection of an optional slip printer (SP-1300) to the QT-6600 makes it possible to print
transaction details on a slip.
To print a slip, insert a slip paper into the printer, and adjust paper position by entering the
number of printed lines and pressing the <SLIP FEED/RELEASE> key (function code
056) or the <SLIP BACK FEED/RELEASE> key (function code 054) and then press the
<SLIP PRINT> key (function code 055). Or it is possible to find the appropriate slip
printing start line automatically.
After printing a slip, the paper is automatically released.
If the paper is not released for some reasons, press <SLIP FEED/RELEASE> or <SLIP
BACK FEED/RELEASE> to release the paper.
Before using slip printer, you should program the maximum lines of slip.
The following two sections are other features to control slip printing format:
2-1-7-4. Endorsement message print control
The QT-6600 allows printing of endorsement messages on the slip printer (SP-1300) for
check registrations. To perform endorsement message printing, insert the paper into the
slip printer following finalization using the <CHECK> key or check cashing transaction
using the <CHECK> key, and press the following key:
– Endorsement key (function code 039)
Check key and check cashing key can be programmed for compulsory endorsement print.
The endorsement message contents should be programmed into the endorsement message
file (file 033).
2-1-7-5. Check printing print control
The QT-6600 allows printing check tendered amount on a check inserted into the slip
printer. To perform check printing, insert the paper into the slip printer following check
finalization using the <CHECK> key, and press the following key:
– Check print key (function code 012)
Check key can be programmed for compulsory check print. The check printing format is
controlled by the check print file (file 041).
2-1-7-6. X/Z report print control
The QT-6600 can output a report in the read (X) or reset (Z) mode. The following shows
the programming for X/Z print controls: