Application System
Magenetic card specification
Track-1, Format B:
Start sentinel - one character (generally ‘%’)
Format code = “B” - one character (alpha only)
Primary account number (PAN) - up to 19 characters
Usually, but not always, matches the credit card number
printed on the front of the card.
Field separator - one character (generally ‘^’)
Name - two to 26 characters
Field separator - one character (generally ‘^’)
Expiration date - four characters in the form MMYY
Service code - three characters
Discretinary data - may include Pin Verification Key Indicator (PVKI, one character),
Pin Verification Value (PVV, 4 characters)
Card Verification Value or Card Verification Code (CVV or CVK, 3
End sentinel - one character (generally ‘?’)
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) - one character
Start sentinel - one character (generally ‘:’)
Track number - 1, 2, 3
Primary Account Number (PAN) - up to 19 characters
Usually, but not always, matches the credit card number
printed on the front of the card
Separator - one character (generally ‘=’)
Expiration date - four characters in the form MMYY
Service code - three characters
Discretionary data - as in track one
End sentinel - one character (generally ‘?’)
LRC - one character