Manager Operation
MGR C01 10-10-01 12:34 000000
Manager Mode
1.System Connection Check
2.Remote On
3.Remote Off
4.Busy Reset
5.Stock Maintenance
6.Drawer for Clerk
7.CHK#(CLK Interrupt)
8.Order ID Change
3-3-1. System connection check
This command shows the connection status of terminals, and printers.
1. Sign on a clerk (if necessary).
2. Press <MODE> and <Manager> to assign manager mode.
3. Select “1. System Connection Check” and press the <YES>
4. After checking the system connection, press the <ESC> key
to return the previous menu.
If there is unrecognized terminal there it shows “*” as below.
example) #04 ************
System Connection Check
INLINE 10/100Mbps
#01 MC#01
RS-232C Printer 1 2 4
#02 MC#02
RS-232C Printer 1
#03 MC#03
RS-232C Printer *
01 LAN Printer 192168000060
02 ************ 192168000061
Physical ID, Logical ID
RS-232C printer recognition (1: printer (1), 2: printer (2), 4: slip printer
Un recognized RS-232C printer
LAN printer ID, IP address
Unrecognized LAN printer