Application System
18) Plus key (Function code 029)
This key is used for registering surcharge. This operation affects the surcharge amount in
the plus key totalizers. The registered amounts is not added to the department, PLU or gross
totalizers, but from the net totalizers only. (selecting GROSS specification)
Programmability: Refer to page 100 of the programming manual.
19) Premium key (Function code 030)
This key applies a preset % or manual input % to obtain the premium amount for the last
registered item or subtotal.The registered amounts is not added to the department, PLU or
gross totalizers, but from the net totalizers only. (selecting GROSS specification)
Programmability: Refer to page 102 of the programming manual.
20) Refund key (Function code 033)
This key declares next input for a return money.
Programmability: Refer to page 113 of the programming manual.
21) Error correct/Void key (Function code 034)
This key is used to correct the last registered item, discount, premium, partial tendered, etc.
This key also invalidates proceeding data registered for departments subdepartments,
PLUs or set menus only.
Programmability: Refer to page 101 of the programming manual.
22) Coupon 2 key (Function code 036)
This key is used to register coupons. The registered coupon amounts is deducted from the
department, subdepartment, PLU or gross totalizers and the net totalizers.
Programmability: Refer to page 113 of the programming manual.
23) Validation key (Function code 037)
This key validates item or transaction amounts on slips. Validation can be made compulsory
for certain function keys. Multiple validation can be prohibited for certain function keys.
24) Receipt key (Function code 038)
This key issues a receipt for the last transaction (post-finalization receipt) when the original
receipt is not issued. This key also issues a guest receipt. The guest receipt can be
designated by seat number.
Programmability: Refer to page 103 of the programming manual.
25) Check endorsement key (Function code 039)
This key is used to print a preset check endorsement using the slip printer.
Programmability: Refer to page 101 of the programming manual.
26) Non-add key (Function code 040)
This key prints reference numbers (personal check number, card number etc.)
Programmability: Refer to page 104 of the programming manual.
27) Non-add / No sale key (Function code 041)
This key prints reference numbers (personal check number, card number etc.)
This key also opens the drawer between transaction.
Programmability: Refer to page 104 of the programming manual.
28) No sale key (Function code 042)
This key opens the drawer between transaction.
29) Number of customer key (Function code 043)
This key registers the number of customers.
Programmability: Refer to page 105 of the programming manual.