Error messages
A-4-3 System error code
All error codes are contained in the list below. These error codes are displayed or printed
on error log report.
Error code Meaning
0010 Handler access error (software)
0011 Cannot execute handler (system configuration)
0012 Break by PC
0013 Break by ECR
0014 DSR off before receiving command packet
0015 Receive illegal command number of command packet
0016 Receive illegal character
0017 Send error (hardware)
0018 Receive error (hardware)
0019 Receive illegal data packet
0020 No response error
0021 Receive illegal command phase
0022 Received illegal packet
0023 CNET receive error
0024 Illegal termination by sender
0025 Received illegal packet during receiving data packets
0026 Not enough data packets received
0040 No “H” information
0041 No “I” information
0042 No “F” information
0044 Illegal packet format
0045 No file exists
0046 Illegal block
0047 Illegal command packet
0048 Illegal command No. (Not CMD)
0049 Illegal command No. (Not DATA)
0050 Sequence error
0051 Turn off DSR signal
0052 Received cancellation
0053 Retry over while waiting command
0054 Retry over while waiting EOT
0055 Retry over while waiting data
0056 Received EOT
0057 Retry over while waiting ACK
0058 Retry over while sending data
0059 Retry over while waiting “C”
0060 Retry over while sending response
0061 Retry over while excluding
0064 Break end
0065 Error during printing report header
0066 Error during printing report data
0067 Error during printing report data in work file
0068 Error during printing report data in consolidation file
0069 Work file clear error
0070 Consolidation file clear error
0071 Z lock error
0072 Z clear error
0073 Z lock release error
0074 Error during accumulating to consolidation file
0075 Error during copying report data from terminal memory to work
0076 Error during copying stock data to terminal memory
0077 Z lock error on satellite terminal
0078 No appropriate file is exist on satellite terminal during collection/consolidation
0079 Z lock release error on satellite terminal
0081 Check tracking master is removed from system.