
Select the Assign/Patch soft-key. This will bring up the following menu:
Select the Fixtures softkey. You will now see the following screen:
Select the Edit Key. The screen now shows:
The softkeys on either side of the < Unassigned > command will scroll you through the fixtures
stored on the console. The last 18 fixtures used remain stored on the Tiger. Use the softkeys to
scroll through until you have the name of the fixture on the screen. Now press the softkey next
to the DMX: --- this will take you to the screen that allows you to patch the fixture to the DMX
address you wish to use.
You can use the Up and Down keys to set the DMX address or you can use the flash buttons to
type in the value, for instance 100. You will need to make sure that the address matches the
fixtures DMX address.
Use the OK to take you back to the previous screen. Use the + and keys to select the next
fixture you wish to assign and patch.
Page01 Step--- Run 3
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Back FixtProfiles
Fixtures AutoPatch
Generics Aux‟s
Fixture 01
+ Unassigned
- DMX: --- Edit
Assign Fixture 01
< Unassigned >
DMX: --- OK
Assign Fixture 01
Back Unpatch
Up DMX: ---
Down OK