sequence by having programmed a page of memories that only contain the colour attributes of
the fixtures. Triggering the page chase will mean the fixtures change colour each time they
For a Page chase to work you need to have the Master Fader set above zero. From the main
playback menu select the PageChase soft-key. The PageChase legend will start to flash. This
indicates that the page chase on the selected page is outputting. You can now change pages
and trigger further page chases. It is possible to have all 12 pages outputting a page chase. Be
aware this can be confusing if you have not thought about your programming.
In PageChase mode the fixtures will all change simultaneously from one memory to the next. If
the PageChase soft-key is pressed for a second time the legend will change to read PageRipple.
This changes the way the chase works. It will start with the first fixture and change it to the first
memory on the page. It will then change the second fixture, third fixture etc. This can be an
interesting effect when used with things like colour or position. The best way to understand how
it works is to program a page of colour memories and play them back first as a page chase and
then as a page ripple.
To turn off a page chase press the PageChase soft-key again. When the legend stops flashing
the chase will be deactivated.
6.5 View and Preview
There is a View/Preview menu which allows you to see what the output of the console is. From
the main playback menu:
press the More.. soft-key twice. This will take you to the page with the View/Pvw soft-key,
pressing this will bring up the View/Preview menu:
To see the current output of the Generic channels select the Generic soft-key. You can use the
Up and Down soft-keys to go through the different channel numbers.
To see the current output for fixtures select the Fixture soft-key. You can use the Up and Down
soft-keys to move through the different parameter channels for the selected fixture. To change
fixtures use the + or – soft-keys. The selected fixture number is shown in the top line of the LCD
The DMX soft-key allows you to scroll through all 512 DMX channels to see what each one‟s
output is. This can be useful for fault finding. Again use the Up and Down soft-keys to go
through the DMX channel numbers.
The Memories soft-key allows you to preview the intensity of the generics and fixtures for any
memory. The Up and Down soft-keys scroll through the generic and fixture intensity channels.
The + or – soft-keys will change the selected memory. The memory selected for preview is
shown on the top line of the LCD display.
The Sequences soft-key allows you to preview the steps of a sequence. This allows you to see
which memory makes up each step of a sequence. The Up and Down soft-keys scroll through
Page-- Step--- Run 1
Page Chase
Page+ Live!
Page- More..