Once you have pressed the relevant flash button the menu changes:
The flash buttons and faders have now also changed function. They now allow you to select
fixtures or control the intensity of generic channels and fixtures. The flash buttons which have
yellow LED‟s lit are the ones to which fixtures have been assigned. To select a fixture press the
flash button, the red LED will light. It is possible to select multiple fixtures. For instance if you
want to select fixture 1 to 4 hold down button 1 and then press button 4. You can deselect
fixtures in the same way. The LED of the last selected fixture will flash. This is known as the
primary fixture and the information associated with this fixture will be shown on the LCD display.
Pressing a flash button in Channels mode will show what attribute is associated with the fader.
The More.. key will take you to different pages of fixtures. The relevant information as to which
page of
you are
on is
shown on the top line of the LCD screen. The options are:
Edit Fixtures 01-09
Edit Fixtures 10-18
Movement Effect
Edit Generics 01-09
Edit Generics 10-18
Having selected the fixtures you can turn them on by raising the relevant slider. This will only
work if the fixture has a channel dedicated to dimming. Those fixtures that work with shutters
will not turn on this way.
Alternatively you can use the Home key. This will turn the fixture on and centre it. To adjust the
various attributes select the Channels soft-key.
This changes the faders to attribute mode. By moving the faders you can set the relevant
attributes to the required values. Pressing the flash buttons will show what attribute is
associated with the fader. The information is displayed on the bottom line of the LCD display.
Only faders that have a Yellow LED lit on the flash button below have attributes associated with
them. The numeric display shows what the current level is set to. If there are more attributes
than the 12 faders allow you can change the other attributes by changing pages. You use the +
or – soft-keys to do this.
If a parameter has been changed the yellow LED flashes. This indicates that that parameter will
be included in the memory.
Edit Fixtures 01-09
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Save As Channels
Save More.
Please note that if you select different types of fixtures simultaneously you may
have different types of attributes on the same faders. This can lead to some
interesting effects!