Dimmer Channel 1
Pan Channel 2
Tilt Channel 3
Colour Wheel Channel 4
Gobo Wheel Channel 5
Speed Channel 6
The manufacturer has launched a new model of the fixture adding a second colour wheel. The
colour wheel is on channel 7. You would have selected the attribute as a colour, then go to the
DMX screen select 007 and press OK. If you have made a mistake and don‟t want to save the
changes use the back key rather than OK
If you are going to create a new fixture scroll through the fixture types until you get to a blank.
You can then use the Create key to set up a fixture. Having selected Create you will see the
following screen:
The Tiger assumes that you will be using a Dimmer (or HTP channel) and a Pan and Tilt
Channel for each fixture. Using the Ch+ or CH- keys to toggle between these three attributes.
Having selected Pan for instance select the Edit key. This will bring up a new screen:
Selecting DMX key will bring up a screen to allow you to set the correct channel number. You
can use the Up or Down keys to select which channel is associated with that attribute.
Alternatively you can use the flash keys to select the value. Remember there can only be one
attribute per channel number.
You can also set a Home value for each attribute. This is the value that the attribute will go to
when the home button is pushed. For instance Pan and Tilt are normal set to 128 while the
dimmer is set to 255. The values are not percentages but the DMX values. Dimmers are
normally set to full which is 255 while the pan and tilt are normally centred which is 128. You will
need to check what attributes give you open white on the colour attributes and what you need to
set the shutter to so that it is open. This information should be provided by the manufacture of
the fixturer. If you are not sure leave it at zero.
Edit Profile:Dimmer
Ch+ Insert
Ch- DMX--- Edit
Edit Profile:Pan
Name: N/A Back
DMX : ---
Home: --- OK