Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Chapter 7 Setting Up and Managing User Accounts
Basic User Setup Options
c. Select or enter the information in the following boxes:
• AAA Client—Select All AAA Clients, or the name of a network device
group (NDG), or the name of the individual AAA client, to which to
permit or deny access.
• Port—Type the number of the port to which to permit or deny access.
You can use the wildcard asterisk (*) to permit or deny access to all ports
on the selected AAA client.
• Address—Type the IP address or addresses to use when performing
access restrictions. You can type multiple entries separated by a comma
or use the wildcard asterisk (*).
d. Click enter.
Result: The specified AAA client, port, and address information appears in
the table above the AAA Client list.
Step 4 To permit or deny this user access based on calling location or values other than
an established IP address, follow these steps:
a. Select the Define CLI/DNIS based access restrictions check box.
b. To specify whether the subsequent listing specifies permitted or denied
values, from the Table Defines list, select one of the following:
• Permitted Calling/Point of Access Locations
• Denied Calling/Point of Access Locations