Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Appendix E Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
User and AAA Client Import Option
CSDB No password Authenticate the username with the CiscoSecure user
CSDB_UNIX No UNIX-encrypted
Authenticate the username with the CiscoSecure user
database, using a UNIX password format.
EXT_NT No — Authenticate the username with a Windows NT/2000
external user database.
EXT_NDS No — Authenticate the username with a Novell NDS
external user database.
EXT_SDI No — Authenticate the username with a RSA external user
EXT_ANPI No — Authenticate the username with an AXENT external
user database.
EXT_CRYPTO No — Authenticate the username with a CRYPTOCard
external user database.
EXT_ODBC No — Authenticate the username with an ODBC external
user database.
EXT_LDAP No — Authenticate the username with a generic LDAP
external user database.
EXT_ENIGMA No — Authenticate the username with a SafeWord external
user database.
EXT_LEAP No — Authenticate the username with a LEAP proxy
RADIUS server external user database.
EXT_ACTV No — Authenticate the username with an ActivCard external
user database.
EXT_VASCO No — Authenticate the username with a Vasco external user
EXT_RADIUS No — Authenticate the username with a RADIUS token
server external user database.
Table E-3 UPDATE Statement Tokens (continued)
Token Required Value Required Description