Appendix G ODBC Import Definitions
Action Codes
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Set the type of device command set (DCS)
authorization for a group or user.
VN defines the service. Valid service types are:
shell—Cisco IOS shell command authorization.
pixshell—Cisco PIX command authorization.
If additional DCS types have been added to your
Cisco Secure ACS, you can find the valid value in the
Interface Configuration page for TACACS+ (Cisco
IOS). The valid values appear in parentheses after the
service title, such as
PIX Shell (pixshell).
V1 defines the assignment type. The valid values for
VN are:
none—Sets no DCS for the user or group.
as group—For users only, this value signifies that the
user’s DCS settings for the service specified should be
the same as the user’s group DCS settings.
static—Sets a DCS for the user or group for all
devices enabled to perform command authorization
for the service specified.
If V1 is set to static, V2 is required and must contain
the name of the DCS to assign to the user or group for
the given service.
ndg—Specifies that command authorization for the
user or group is to be done on a per-NDG basis. Use
action 271 to add DCS to NDG mappings for the user
or group.
Changing a user or group assignment type (V1) results
in clearing previous data, including NDG to DCS
mappings (defined by action 271).
Table G-3 User Creation and Modification Action Codes (continued)
Code Name Required Description