Appendix E Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
User-Defined RADIUS Vendors and VSA Sets
Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
About the RADIUS Vendor/VSA Import File
RADIUS Vendor/VSA import files use a Windows .ini file format. Each RADIUS
vendor/VSA import file comprises three types of sections, detailed in Table E-7.
Each section comprises a section header and a set of keys and values. The order
of the sections in the RADIUS vendor/VSA import file is irrelevant.
Table E-7 RADIUS VSA Import File Section Types
Section Required Number Description
Vendor and
VSA set
Yes 1 Defines the RADIUS vendor and VSA set. For more information,
see the “Vendor and VSA Set Definition” section on page E-33.
Yes 1 to 255 Defines a single attribute of the VSA set. For more information,
see the “Attribute Definition” section on page E-34.
Enumeration No 0 to 255 Defines enumerations for attributes with integer data types. For
more information, see the “Enumeration Definition” section on
page E-35.