Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Appendix D RADIUS Attributes
IETF Dictionary of RADIUS AV Pairs
31 Calling-Station-Id Allows the AAA client to send the telephone number the call came
from as part of the access-request packet using automatic number
identification or similar technology. This attribute has the same value
as remote-addr in TACACS+. This attribute is supported only on
ISDN and for modem calls on the Cisco AS5200 if used with PRI.
40 Acct-Status-Type Specifies whether this accounting-request marks the beginning of the
user service (start) or the end (stop).
41 Acct-Delay-Time Number of seconds the client has been trying to send a particular
42 Acct-Input-Octets Number of octets received from the port while this service is being
43 Acct-Output-Octets Number of octets sent to the port while this service is being delivered.
44 Acct-Session-Id Unique accounting identifier that makes it easy to match start and stop
records in a log file. The Acct-Session-Id restarts at 1 each time the
router is power cycled or the software is reloaded. Contact Cisco
support if this is unsuitable.
45 Acct-Authentic Way in which the user was authenticated—by RADIUS, by the AAA
client itself, or by another remote authentication protocol. This
attribute is set to radius for users authenticated by RADIUS; to
remote for TACACS+ and Kerberos; or to local for local, enable,
line, and if-needed methods. For all other methods, the attribute is
46 Acct-Session-Time Number of seconds the user has been receiving service.
47 Acct-Input-Packets Number of packets received from the port while this service is being
provided to a framed user.
48 Acct-Output-Packets Number of packets sent to the port while this service is being
delivered to a framed user.
Table D-8 RADIUS (IETF) Accounting Attributes (continued)
No. Attribute Description