Cisco Secure ACS 3.0 for Windows 2000/NT Servers User Guide
78-13751-01, Version 3.0
Chapter 11 Working with User Databases
Windows NT/2000 User Database
Step 3 If you want to control dial-in access from within Windows NT, click Dial-in and
select Grant dialin permission to user. In Windows 2000, access the User
Properties dialog box, select the Dial-In tab, and in the Remote Access area, click
Allow access. You must also configure the option to reference this feature under
Database Group Mappings in the External User Databases section of
Cisco Secure ACS.
Configuring a Windows NT/2000 External User Database
To configure Cisco Secure ACS to authenticate users against the Windows
NT/2000 user database in your network’s trusted domains, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click External User Databases.
Step 2 Click Database Configuration.
Result: Cisco Secure ACS displays a list of all possible external user database
Step 3 Click Windows NT/2000.
Result: If no Windows NT/2000 database configuration exists, the Database
Configuration Creation table appears. Otherwise, the External User Database
Configuration page appears.
Step 4 If you are creating a new configuration, follow these steps:
a. Click Create New Configuration.
b. Type a name for the new configuration for Windows NT/2000 authentication
in the box provided, or accept the default name in the box.
c. Click Submit.
Result: Cisco Secure ACS lists the new configuration in the External User
Database Configuration table.
Step 5 Click Configure.
Result: The Windows NT/2000 User Database Configuration page appears.