Finding the Documentation You Need
You can find most of the Tru64 UNIX documentation you need on the
Documentation CD–ROM that comes with the Tru64 UNIX product and also
on the World Wide Web. Most of this documentation is provided on line in
HTML and PDF formats and is also available as printed books.
Your Web browser gives you access to the HTML format, and the Adobe
Acrobat Reader lets you view and print the PDF versions. The printed books
are packaged in kits that you can purchase from Compaq.
Additional documentation is included on the Tru64 UNIX Operating System
CD–ROM and on the Associated Products CD–ROMs.
This chapter can help you to find the documentation you need, in the format
that is most convenient to you.
1.1 Introduction to the Documentation Set
Tru64 UNIX is a feature-rich operating system designed to be used in many
different types of computing environments. The components of the operating
system range from those used by every user to those used by only a small
handful of users.
Likewise, the documentation must serve many different users in different
fields and with different levels of technical knowledge — from the novice
general user to the advanced system administrator or program developer.
The Tru64 UNIX documentation is organized according to whether it is
used by all users, or specifically by system and network administrators and
software programmers:
• General user documentation
This information is for all users of the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
Examples include the Master Index and the Release Notes. Users of this
information range from novice to advanced.
• System and network management documentation
This information is for those who install, configure, maintain, and
troubleshoot the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
• Programming documentation
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–1