
Programming Support Tools
Programming with ONC RPC
Writing Kernel Modules
Writing Software for the International Market
1.5.3 Additional Documentation in the Media Kit
The following documentation is packaged in the Tru64 UNIX media kit, but
is not included in any of the orderable Tru64 UNIX documentation kits:
How to Access Tru64 UNIX Documentation
Cluster Technical Overview
1.6 Documentation for Layered Products
Compaq and third-party vendors produce many applications that run on
Tru64 UNIX systems. The documentation for most of these products is
included with the individual application software. The following sections
provide some guidance.
1.6.1 TruCluster Server Software
TruCluster Server is a separately licensed product that ships on the
Associated Products CD–ROM Volume 2. It is a highly integrated synthesis
of Tru64 UNIX software, Compaq AlphaServer™ systems, and storage
devices that operate as a single system.
The TruCluster Server documentation is included on the Tru64 UNIX
documentation CD–ROM, as well as with the software on the Associated
Products CD–ROM Volume 2 and in printed form in a separately orderable
documentation kit (see Section A.1.2 for more information).
1.6.2 Other Products Packaged with Tru64 UNIX
The CD–ROMs in the Tru64 UNIX media kit include the software and
documentation for several separately licensed products. You do not need a
license to view this documentation, which in most cases is provided in both
HTML and PDF (or PostScript) formats.
In addition to the previously mentioned TruCluster Server software, the
following separately licensed products are among those included with the kit:
Advanced File System (AdvFS) Utilities
Advanced Server for UNIX
See the Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1A CD–ROMs sheet packaged with the Tru64
UNIX media for a complete list and the location of the layered products
1–12 Finding the Documentation You Need