
4.3.2 Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User’s
The Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User’s Guide
provides the information needed to create Motif applications with KornShell
(ksh) scripts. It also provides several example scripts of increasing
This manual is for programmers who want to develop Motif applications
using KornShell scripts rather than the C programming language. Readers
should have knowledge of KornShell programming, Motif, and the Xt
Intrinsics, as well as familiarity with the X programming library (Xlib).
4.3.3 Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s and
Programmer’s Guide
The Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author’s and
Programmer’s Guide describes how to develop online help for CDE
applications. It describes how to create help topics and how to integrate
online help into a CDE application.
This manual is for application programmers who want to do the following:
Design, create, and view online help information
Create software applications that provide a fully integrated help facility
4.3.4 Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization
Programmer’s Guide
The Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer’s
Guide provides information for internationalizing the desktop and enabling
applications to support various languages and cultural conventions in a
consistent user interface.
This manual is for CDE application programmers whose products are
available worldwide.
4.3.5 Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary
This Common Desktop Environment: Product Glossary provides a
comprehensive list of terms used in the Common Desktop Environment.
This manual is for all CDE users.
4–8 Programming Documentation