Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages
The Tru64 UNIX operating system provides an extensive set of reference
pages (also called man pages or manual pages), each of which describes
one topic, such as a command, function, or file. This chapter discusses the
reference pages.
6.1 Reading Reference Pages On Line
You can use the webman utility to read the reference pages on line using
your Web browser and print them by clicking on the browser’s Print menu.
Alternatively, you can use the xman or man utilities from the command line
to read the reference pages.
Your system administrator determines at system installation time whether
to make the operating system reference pages available on your system. If
you receive an error message when you try to access reference pages, the
problem might be that they are not installed.
Your system administrator also decides whether to install the reference
pages that are included with layered products. This includes products such
as the TruCluster Server, which provides a full set of its own reference pages.
6.1.1 Using the Documentation CD–ROM
The Library on the Documentation CD–ROM includes a category that
contains the full set of base operating system reference pages in HTML
form. You can view these reference pages with your Web browser just as you
would view any of the HTML books. These references pages are indexed and
hot-linked with the books for easy access. (The reference pages for layered
products are not included on this CD–ROM.)
6.1.2 Using webman
The Documentation CD–ROM contains the webman viewer, a UNIX CGI
program you can use with your browser to view the reference pages that
are installed with the operating system. The webman viewer is most useful
when the Documentation CD–ROM is not mounted, or when you need to
access reference pages that have been installed with layered products. For
Tru64 UNIX Reference Pages 6–1