
This kit provides general information on how to use the Tru64 UNIX
operating system. The manuals in this kit are for everyone who uses
Tru64 UNIX.
This kit contains the following documentation:
CDE Companion
Command and Shell User’s Guide
Master Index
System and Network Management Documentation Kit
This kit is for people who are responsible for managing the Tru64
UNIX operating system or network. The manuals in this kit provide
information on how to configure, manage, and tune Tru64 UNIX systems.
This kit contains the following documentation:
AdvFS Administration
Guide to Prestoserve
Kernel Debugging
Logical Storage Manager
Managing Online Addition and Removal
Network Administration: Connections
Network Administration: Services
Sharing Software on a Local Area Network
Software License Management
System Administration
System Configuration and Tuning
System Configuration Supplement: OEM Platforms
X Window System Administrator’s Guide
(printed only)
X Window System Environment
1.5.2 Developer’s Documentation Kit
The Developer’s Documentation Kit is for software developers who write
programs on or for the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The books in this kit
include information on tools and programming recommendations.
This kit contains the following documentation:
Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide
Asynchronous Transfer Mode
Calling Standard for Alpha Systems
Compaq C Language Reference Manual
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library
Guide to Preparing Product Kits
Guide to Realtime Programming
Network Programmer’s Guide
OSF/Motif Programmer’s Guide (printed only)
OSF/Motif Style Guide (printed only)
Programmer’s Guide
Programmer’s Guide: STREAMS (printed only)
Finding the Documentation You Need 1–11