Programming Documentation
This chapter describes the documentation designed for software developers
who write applications on or for the Tru64 UNIX operating system. The
books in this category are generally geared toward advanced users. Each
document is individually described.
Books that are printed can be purchased from Compaq in the documentation
kits described in Section 1.5.
Except for a few externally published manuals, the documentation described
here was produced by Compaq writers working closely with the developers of
the Tru64 UNIX operating system.
Books identified as revised, were updated with the Version 5.1A release.
4.1 Printed and Online Documentation
The documentation described in this section is provided on the Tru64 UNIX
Documentation CD–ROM and in the optional printed documentation kits.
For more information on the printed documentation set, see Section 1.5.
4.1.1 Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide
The Assembly Language Programmer’s Guide describes the Alpha hardware
architecture’s assembly language, which is supported by the Tru64 UNIX
compiler system. The manual describes the assembly language syntax rules,
and how to write assembly language programs.
This manual is for system software developers who are writing assembly
language programs on or for Tru64 UNIX.
4.1.2 Asynchronous Transfer Mode
The Asynchronous Transfer Mode manual describes the Tru64 UNIX
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) subsystem, how to configure the
subsystem, and how to use the ATM kernel interfaces. It is written for
experienced UNIX kernel programmers who are responsible for writing ATM
device drivers and kernel modules. After reading this manual, a kernel
programmer should be able to do the following:
• Understand the ATM subsystem architecture
Programming Documentation 4–1