
114 | 802.1X
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Configuring Request Identity Re-transmissions
If the authenticator sends a Request Identity frame, but the supplicant does not respond, the authenticator
waits 30 seconds and then re-transmits the frame. The amount of time that the authenticator waits before
re-transmitting and the maximum number of times that the authenticator re-transmits are configurable.
To configure the amount of time that the authenticator waits before re-transmitting an EAP Request
Identity frame:
To configure a maximum number of Request Identity re-transmissions:
Figure 7-7 shows configuration information for a port for which the authenticator re-transmits an EAP
Request Identity frame after 90 seconds and re-transmits a maximum of 10 times.
Configuring a Quiet Period after a Failed Authentication
If the supplicant fails the authentication process, the authenticator sends another Request Identity frame
after 30 seconds by default, but this period can be configured.
To configure the quiet period after a failed authentication:
Note: There are several reasons why the supplicant might fail to respond; the supplicant might have been
booting when the request arrived, there might be a physical layer problem, or the supplicant might not be
802.1x capable.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Configure the amount of time that the authenticator
waits before re-transmitting an EAP Request Identity
dot1x tx-period number
Range: 1-31536000 (1 year)
Default: 30
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Configure a maximum number of times that a Request
Identity frame can be re-transmitted by the
dot1x max-eap-req number
Range: 1-10
Default: 2
Note: The quiet period (dot1x quiet-period) is an transmit interval for after a failed authentication where as
the Request Identity Re-transmit interval (dot1x tx-period) is for an unresponsive supplicant.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 Configure the amount of time that the authenticator
waits to re-transmit a Request Identity frame after a
failed authentication.
dot1x quiet-period seconds
Range: 1-65535
Default: 60