84 | 802.1ag
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Create a Maintenance Association
A Maintenance Association MA is a subdivision of an MD that contains all managed entities
corresponding to a single end-to-end service, typically a VLAN. An MA is associated with a VLAN ID.
Create Maintenance Points
Domains are comprised of logical entities called Maintenance Points. A maintenance point is a interface
demarcation that confines CFM frames to a domain. There are two types of maintenance points:
• Maintenance End Points (MEPs): a logical entity that marks the end-point of a domain
• Maintenance Intermediate Points (MIPs): a logical entity configured at a port of a switch that
constitutes intermediate points of an Maintenance Entity (ME). An ME is a point-to-point relationship
between two MEPs within a single domain.
These roles define the relationships between all devices so that each device can monitor the layers under its
Create a Maintenance End Point
A Maintenance End Point (MEP) is a logical entity that marks the end-point of a domain. There are two
types of MEPs defined in 802.1ag for an 802.1 bridge:
• Up-MEP: monitors the forwarding path internal to an bridge on the customer or provider edge; on
Dell Force10 systems the internal forwarding path is effectively the switch fabric and forwarding
• Down-MEP: monitors the forwarding path external another bridge.
Configure Up- MEPs on ingress ports, ports that send traffic towards the bridge relay. Configure
Down-MEPs on egress ports, ports that send traffic away from the bridge relay.
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Create maintenance association. service name vlan vlan-id ECFM DOMAIN
Task Command Syntax Command Mode
Create an MEP. ethernet cfm mep {up-mep | down-mep} domain {name |
} ma-name name mepid mep-id
Range: 1-8191
Display configured MEPs and
show ethernet cfm maintenance-points local [mep | mip] EXEC Privilege