
1222 | S-Series Debugging and Diagnostics
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Important Points to Remember
You can only perform offline diagnostics on an offline standalone unit or offline member unit of a
stack of three or more. You cannot perform diagnostics on the management or standby unit in a stack
of two or more (Message 1).
Perform offline diagnostics on one stack member at a time.
Diagnostics only test connectivity, not the entire data path.
Diagnostic results are stored on the flash of the unit on which you performed the diagnostics.
When offline diagnostics are complete, the unit or stack member reboots automatically.
Running Offline Diagnostics
1. Place the unit in the offline state using the offline stack-unit command from EXEC Privilege mode, as
shown in Figure 62-1. YOu cannot enter the command on a Master or Standby stack unit.
Figure 62-1. Taking an S-Series Stack Unit Offline
2. Use the show system brief command from EXEC Privilege mode to confirm offline status, as shown in
Figure 62-2.
Message 1 Offline Diagnostics on Master/Standby Error
Running Diagnostics on master/standby unit is not allowed on stack.
The system reboots when the off-line diagnostics complete. This is an automatic process. A warning
message appears when the offline stack-unit command is implemented.
Warning - Diagnostic execution will cause stack-unit to reboot after completion of
Proceed with Offline-Diags [confirm yes/no]:y
FTOS#offline stack-unit 2
Warning - Diagnostic execution will cause stack-unit to reboot after completion of diags.
Proceed with Offline-Diags [confirm yes/no]:y
5w6d12h: %STKUNIT0-M:CP %CHMGR-2-STACKUNIT_DOWN: Stack unit 2 down - stack unit offline
5w6d12h: %STKUNIT0-M:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Gi 2/1-48
FTOS#5w6d12h: %STKUNIT1-S:CP %IFMGR-1-DEL_PORT: Removed port: Gi 2/1-48