Configuration Fundamentals | 35
Configuration Fundamentals
The FTOS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a text-based interface through which you can configure
interfaces and protocols. The CLI is largely the same for the E-Series, C-Series, and S-Series with the
exception of some commands and command outputs. The CLI is structured in modes for security and
management purposes. Different sets of commands are available in each mode, and you can limit user
access to modes using privilege levels.
In FTOS, after a command is enabled, it is entered into the running configuration file. You can view the
current configuration for the whole system or for a particular CLI mode. To save the current configuration
copy the running configuration to another location.
Accessing the Command Line
Access the command line through a serial console port or a Telnet session (Figure 2-1). When the system
successfully boots, you enter the command line in the EXEC mode.
Figure 2-1. Logging into the System using Telnet
Note: Due to a differences in hardware architecture and the continued system development, features may
occasionally differ between the platforms. These differences are identified by the information symbols
shown on Table 1-1 on page 34.
Note: You must have a password configured on a virtual terminal line before you can Telnet into the
system. Therefore, you must use a console connection when connecting to the system for the first time.
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Login: username
EXEC mode prompt