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In-Service Modular Hot-Fixes
In-Service Modular Hot-Fixes are supported on platforms: e
In-Service Modular Hot-Fixes provides a tool whereby you can install a patch while the system is on-line
and running. This feature allows a patch to be added to a running FTOS process to obtain debugging
information or to resolve a software issue in a deployed system.
There is no need to reload or reboot the system when the patch is inserted. The In-Service Modular patch
replaces the existing process code. Once installation is complete, the system executes the patch code as
though it was always there.
Add the patch with the
patch flash://RUNTIME_PATCH_DIR/<patchname> command. Remove a patch and
revert to the original code with the
no patch flash://RUNTIME_PATCH_DIR/<patchname> command.
The patch name includes the FTOS version, the platform, the CPU, and the process it affects
(FTOS-platform-cpu-process-patchversion.rtp). For example, a patch labeled
identifies that this patch applies to FTOS version, on the E-Series platform, for RP2, addressing the
layer 2 management process, and this is the first version of this patch.
Use the following to add a patch to the system.
Step Task Command Syntax Command Mode
1 If not already done, copy the patch to the
Runtime Patch directory
copy file-origin rpm {0|1} flash://
EXEC Privilege
2 Verify that the patch resides in the
system’s internal flash.
In-Service Modular patches are
identified as .rtp files
Directory of flash:/RUNTIME_PATCH_DIR
1 drwx 8192 Dec 06 2008 22:25:54 +00:00 .
2 drwx 32768 Jan 01 1980 00:00:00 +00:00 ..
3 -rwx 1835 Mar 03 2009 16:31:48 +00:00
flash: 520962048 bytes total (242778112 bytes free)
3 Insert the patch.
patch flash://RUNTIME_PATCH_DIR/
For example: patch flash://RUNTIME_PATCH_DIR/
4 View all In-Service patches on the
show patch
Patch version Module Cpu Timestamp bgp RP1 Tue Mar 3 16:10:08 PST 2009