1208 | E-Series TeraScale Debugging and Diagnostics
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In a dual RPM system, the two RPMs send synchronization messages via inter-RPM communication
(IRC). As described in the High Availability chapter, an RPM failover can be triggered by loss of the
heartbeat (similar to a keepalive message) between the two RPMs. FTOS reports this condition via syslog
messages, as follows:
FTOS automatically saves critical information, about the IRC failure, to NVRAM. Use the same three-step
procedure to capture this file for analysis by Dell Force10.
FTOS actually saves up to three persistent files depending upon the type of failure. When reporting an
RPM failover triggered by a loss of the IPC or IRC heartbeats, look for failure records in the following
— Application or kernel core dump RP in the CORE_DUMP_DIR
— CP trace log file (look for a filename with the phrase “failure_trace”) in the
— RP and/or CP sysinfo file in the CRASH_LOG_DIR, as explained above
Debug commands
FTOS supports an extensive suite of debug commands for troubleshooting specific problems while
working with Dell Force10 technical support staff. All debug commands are entered in privileged EXEC
mode. See the FTOS Command Reference for details.
Hardware watchdog timer
The hardware watchdog command automatically reboots an FTOS switch/router with a single
RPM that is unresponsive. This is a last resort mechanism intended to prevent a manual power
Message 7 RPM heartbeat report
20:29:07: %RPM1-S:CP %IRC-4-IRC_WARNLINKDN: Keepalive packet 7 to peer RPM is lost
20:29:07: %RPM1-S:CP %IRC-4-IRC_COMMDOWN: Link to peer RPM is down
%RPM1-S:CP %RAM-4-MISSING_HB: Heartbeat lost with peer RPM. Auto failover on heart beat lost.
%RPM1-S:CP %RAM-6-ELECTION_ROLE: RPM1 is transitioning to Primary RPM.
Command Description
hardware watchdog Enable the hardware watchdog mechanism.