Chapter 1: Using the REST API 22
Transforming Data Returned
Version 3.7
View an XSL File
To view an XSL file that you have uploaded:
1 Enter your production Developer Id (DevId) in the XML-to-HTML Transform tool, accessible
from the REST Developer Center page (
2 If multiple applications are associated with your DevId, the applications are displayed. From the
list of applications, select the application with which your XSL file is associated and click Next. If
only one application is associated with your DevId, the REST XSLT Home page is displayed.
3 On the REST XSLT Home page, the name of your application is displayed. Select an XSL file to
view by clicking its File Tag. Note that the names of the files (that is, the file names associated
with the File Tags) are not used to track XSL files. After an XSL file is uploaded, the file is tracked
by a File Tag, not by a file name.
4 On the View XSL file page, you can view the file but you cannot modify it. If you want to change
the file, copy its text to a text file, save the file, and see “Uploading and Using XSL Files” on
page 20 for information about uploading the file.
5 When you are finished viewing the file, click Go Back to return to the REST XSLT Home page.
Rename an XSL File Tag
To rename the File Tag of an XSL file that you have uploaded:
1 Enter your production Developer Id (DevId) in the XML-to-HTML Transform tool, accessible
from the REST Developer Center page (
2 If multiple applications are associated with your DevId, the applications are displayed. From the
list of applications, select the application with which your XSL file is associated and click Next. If
only one application is associated with your DevId, the REST XSLT Home page is displayed.
3 On the REST XSLT Home page, the name of your application is displayed. Select an XSL File Tag
to change by clicking a current File Tag.
4 On the View XSL file page, click Rename.
5 On the Rename File page, enter a new File Tag and click Rename.
6 On the View XSL file page, the new File Tag is displayed above the Rename button.
Delete an XSL File
To delete an XSL file that you have uploaded:
1 Enter your production Developer Id (DevId) in the XML-to-HTML Transform tool, accessible
from the REST Developer Center page (
2 If multiple applications are associated with your DevId, the applications are displayed. From the
list of applications, select an application with which your XSL file is associated and click Next. If
only one application is associated with your DevId, the REST XSLT Home page is displayed.
3 On the REST XSLT Home page, the name of your application is displayed. Select an XSL file to
delete using the associated checkbox. You can select multiple files to delete at once.
4 Click Delete. The status of the deletion is displayed under the Upload New File button.