Chapter 1: Using the REST API 26
Legacy REST GetSearchResults Input
Version 3.7
IncludeCondition N Boolean When passed with a value of 1 (true), each item in the result set
can also include the item condition attribute (e.g., New or
Used), if the seller specified it. In this case, an item will only
include the condition attribute if the item's seller filled in the
listing's Item Condition (in the Item Specifics section of the
listing). (That is, the condition attribute is not returned if the
seller only put the word "New" or "Used" in the listing's title
but did not specify the condition in the listing's Item Specifics.)
If 0 or not specified, the item condition is not returned.
Note that this field does not control whether to retrieve only
new or used items. In some categories, you can use a product
finder search (SearchRequest) to only retrieve new or used
IncludeFeedback N Boolean When passed with a value of 1 (true), each item in the result set
also includes information about the seller's feedback (the
positive feedback percentage, whether or not the seller has
chosen to keep their feedback private, and the feedback score).
IncludeGetItFast N Boolean When passed with a value of 1 (true), restricts listings returned
to Get It Fast listings.
IncludeSellers Y/N String Restricts search to the sellers specified. Specify the seller's user
ID. Separate multiple sellers with a comma. A maximum of 100
sellers can be listed. Cannot be used with ExcludeSellers
and PayPal parameters. StoreSearch overrides
IsLot N Boolean When passed with a value of 1 (true), restricts listings returned
to only those for which LotSize is 2 or greater.
ItemTypeFilter N Integer Filters items returned by the type of listing. Valid values are:
1 = Auction items only
2 = Fixed price items (both Fixed Price and Buy It Now)
3 = All items
LowestPrice N Money The lowest price in the Current Price field that any item
returned by the Search results should have.
MaxDistance N Integer Maximum distance to use for sorting by distance. This is used
in proximity searches.
MaxResults N Integer Maximum number of items matching search criteria to return.
You can specify up to 400 items per call. The valid range for this
parameter is 1 to 400 and the default is 100. (Valid range for
eBay Motors searches: 1 to 30.) Use Skip to specify the number
of items to skip when building the result set. Use MaxResults
and Skip together to paginate your results set.
Modifier N String Used with the ModifierCode parameter. The
SiteIdFilterType parameter is a more current filter than
ModifierCode N String Used with the Modifier parameter. The SiteIdFilterType
parameter is a more current filter than Modifier.
ModTimeFrom N Time Filter that limits the response to active items whose status has
changed since the specified time.
Table 1-5 Legacy GetSearchResults Input Parameters (See “GetSearchResults
Input Parameters” on page 10)
Parameter Required? Data Type Purpose